Hello Lovely,
As you could well be in the middle of gift hunting, snow globe shaking, or even tamale making at this very moment I won’t take any more of your precious time than absolutely necessary.
Here is what I want to convey this holiday season:
A big glorious thank you for your support in the crazy roller coaster that was 2016.
For your encouragement. Your business. For reading these newsletters (and the blogs, too!).
For sharing your experiences, dogs on bikes, your love— even your hurts.
For your musicality, which inspires my own art (+ heart).
In three words: I appreciate you.
Wishing you the most nourishing holiday season with your loved ones; ta-ta for now.
Yours truly,
P.S. In the New Year I’ll be announcing new Boho flute retreat dates, more workshops and other cool things that we can do together in 2017 (I am flippin’ excited!).
I love it!